Manage Your Supply Chain Risks

A disruption in your supply chain or a service provider security breach can have a material impact on your operation and damage your organization's image and reputation. Ensure preventive, detective, and corrective controls are in place to manage your supply chain risks.

The first step is to perform a supply chain risk assessment.  Identify your assets and related threats and vulnerabilities. Once your assets, threats, and vulnerabilities have been identified, determine the impact of each vulnerability or event on your organization. Once your know your risk areas, identify controls that reduce, eliminate, or transfer the risks.

The supply chain risk assessment should have defined goals and objectives. Aligning these goals and objectives with your organization’s business drivers allows your organization to prioritize and focus on critical systems and assets including your supply chain and third party service providers.

When evaluating supply chain risks, consider the criticality and importance of the outside entity and determine which supply chain IT infrastructure components and assets are most important to your organization. In some cases, you may want to limit the scope to mission-critical components and assets only. Examples of supply chain risks include:

At a minimum, the risk assessment should:


When evaluating supply chain services, consider not only functionality but also security and availability of systems and services. IT risk assessments and network security audits evaluate information security, service level performance, support (technical and user), redundancy and availability, as well as fail over and contingency plans.

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Certified Information Systems Auditors

Unlike a security consultant, Altius IT is certified as a Certified Information Systems Auditor to perform a security audit of your environment and issue reports and recommendations to secure your systems. After your audit, Altius IT's Auditor Opinion Letter and Secure Seal let your clients and prospects know you meet security best practice/compliance requirements.

See our In the News page for video clips of our experts on national television as well as over 40 publications featuring Altius IT. In addition to our auditor certifications we hold many security, technical, and project management credentials. More information is available on our About Us page.

Our comprehensive audit service uncovers gaps in your existing defenses so that you can better:

  • Fortify your information systems, applications, and network infrastructure
  • Comply with regulatory requirements
  • Protect your valuable assets